Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Getting Dumped

Watching American Horror Story Asylum on FX right now.

It has been nine (9) years since I last broke up with someone. Relationship-wise, anyway. Until now.

I had really forgotten the pangs of anguish. Wondering what that person is doing... Missing them...
Everything left undone. Promises made.

I had also forgotten the pain of figuring out a way through the lies and deceit. Hating them... Disgusted with what they did...
One truth leads to another, leading to yet another. And the final realization --

I never really knew who that person was. The person I loved never actually existed.

And now it is like she died -- but is still walking around out there. Sometimes even in eyesight.

Of course, with all the lies and such -- it is more like the reanimated corpse of the person I loved is shambling around doing who knows what with who knows who...


AND having to tell the kids: this person is not coming back. You will probably never see this person again. All the plans that person made with you... all the promises... are not going to happen. What's worse: verything that person told you may have been a lie.

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