Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Ideas About This Blog

Currently watching: Robot Chicken on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim.

I have been giving a lot of thought as to whether or not I really needed to start blog before making a decision -- but in the end I went ahead and did it anyway.

I am already working on the blog and other writing for my company FreakShow Deluxe, then getting my book See You On the Backlot out in print by Ransom Publishing (in the UK), and getting ebooks of my Jack Info Adventures series finally out on Amazon for the Kindle -- so it's been pretty busy. I even got out my own website with a bit of blogging on it... but it isn't what I hoped.

With Goth Taco, I hope to be able to address more political issues in addition to other observations I have which just don't seem to be suitable for anyplace else where I may write.

Wow. That sounds like it might be boring.

The bigger issue is, of course, will I keep up with it? Charting the course of most blogs, it starts out with a post stating all kinds of intentions and shyte, then carries on for maybe a couple weeks as the posts get less and less frequent until it eventually peters out completely. Such is the electronic world in which we live.

But I have a plan --

After being on deck pretty early with Facebook, and before that MySpace (yes, those profiles are, as of today, still active), I would start out with the best of intentions... But in the end, they always end up more hassle than they are worth.

When I signed up for Google + the other day - having already had a gmail account that I have really never used for a couple years that I originally only set to make sure no one else took my name - I decided I would make a real attempt to make it a connection for business contacts as well as family. Granted, my business contacts are not really the types you hear about that fire folks over what they post on social networking - so I feel pretty safe about it.

But there's always a first time...

On Sunday I posted to my Facebook profile page that I had started a Google + account. One of my connections asked me why I was doing it - and after some thought, here was my reply:
"(I) Feel like I have to keep up on social media stuff for business and contacts. Between +, FB, MySpace, Twitter, the blog(s) AND regular website... It's honestly just too much! But without it = business fail!"
It's like this:
  • I am a published writer, so I try to keep my profiles & info (including appearances and book signings) up to date on Amazon.com, Amazon.uk, and my publisher's webpage. I had a twitter account, but I abandoned it as it was just too much. Too bad it was as my name - so now I can't use it again...
  • There is also my personal website, which ties in to my professional writing work, with a couple pages of it dedicated to my book & ebooks - AND there's a blog there... But it also ties in with FreakShow Deluxe, too.
  • Now, as I am trying to relaunch my professional writing -- I don't know... "stuff," I guess -- I started up THIS blog, along with a related Twitter account. With it, I hope to have some fun and do some promotional-type things that can't be done any other way.
  • Plus, there is also my work with FreakShow Deluxe, which has it's OWN website, a Facebook profile, a MySpace page (where nothing really happens anymore), Twitter, and a Wordpress Blog. OH, and there's a YouTube.com page, too, which had to be titled theFreakShowDeluxe because somebody had already claimed the name on there. There's another page of press release stuff, too, as well as other things that I can barely keep up on.
  • Not to mention any and all OTHER events I might have started (don't tell anyone), including the goth-industrial skating event: Dayton Wumpskate, and the Zombie Walk In Dayton, that have to keep up their own Facebook, MySpace and Twitter profiles, too.
Ug. No wonder I can't seem to get anything done!

Well -- despite all of the above -- let's see what happens, okay? Why don't you subscribe to this blog and twitter - even if you don't bother to look at any of the other sites or anything. Follow along. Comment. Let's get this going. . .

Things should prove to be interesting!


  1. I promise to keep an eye on your blog if nothing else because it's name gave me the munchies.
