Thursday, April 28, 2016

My Thoughts For Today (part 3 or something...)

Listening to album Prince on Hoopla
Grrr... Arg...
Once again - it has been over a year since I have written in this blog.

Time is something of my enemy... it slips away like the fall leaves from a tree. One good rain and the tree is bare.

BUT I am striving now to really try and keep it together. To spend time doing what I should be doing, which is a lot of writing and getting things under control.

Been controlling my mood and the like through semi-regular counseling sessions and the smallest amount of mood-enhancer possible. It is all I can take without hallucinating.

The good part is no suicide attempts since the last one!

It talking to my shrink - who is pretty cool - the biggest part is just forcing me to parse out my thoughts. My general speech runs in along a line of thought - then loops off and makes its way back to the point that I am working on. It is distracting for some people, I have been told. But, overall, I find it the easiest way to communicate because each of those "loops" is a story that helps explain the point I am trying to get across.

Yesterday in our session, she made me explain some of my overall thought process to her using some analogies so it would be easier for her to understand. This was especially important in the process of rebuilding my company - which we are in the middle of doing. I am going to post a blog about that process here (, if you want to read it.

My weight is still up - mostly because I still really like drinking. A couple new pills I am taking are helping to alleviate my high blood pressure - so no complaints there, EXCEPT for having to take more pills, which I hate.

I have just so much on my mind... especially with Prince dying so young and unexpectedly. The world is a little darker without his light in it. Wrote a blog about it on one of my OTHER blogs, which you can check out here:

So, there you go. A LOT of stuff on my mind right now -- and now I need to make sure I get it all out in the world, where it needs to be.

My doctor told me to cut back to 2 beers a day. It's tough - but done.

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