Sunday, March 31, 2019

When I Say Punk Rock, I Mean...

I started this draft in 2014... let's see if I can finish it up, finally...

This is how many hair bands I go through in a month... (photo by Charlotte)

When I say "Punk Rock," I mean not necessarily what you might think that I mean.*

*this was as far as I got in 2014... now, today (03/31/2019) I shall try to finish it...

When I was a young noob growing up in a farm community in Ohio - a place I absolutely did not fit into and did not get along in, no matter how much I tried. And I did try! Oh, yes, I did. But I liked art, music, and theatre. That made me a weirdo. Especially since I was not a big fan of country music or metal. Also - my dad's family was pretty prominent in the town but, as pointed out by my cousin's wife one time recently, not for "good" things necessarily... more "infamous" things.

Like being weirdos.

Not that we were THAT weird, honestly. But my immediate family into art, music (not country or metal... or contemporary christian music - which was kind of a thing at the time), and theatre did not fit into this back woods kind of town. And our extended family - into motorcycles, high end construction work, and academics... without a lot of the usual drinking at going to bars that seemed to take up the time of a lot of people.

PLUS my immediate family is not, nor ever has been, rich. Rich people get to do whatever the fuck they want wherever they may find themselves. They get a pass to be weirdos. Or break the law. Or just be fucking assholes no matter where they go.

Fuck those fucking fucks...
In their fucking goat asses.

Anyway -- that aside... SO I grew up not rich and weird in a small town. This meant I, personally, hung out with other artist, weirdo, loaner types - who were also not looked upon favorably in our little rural Ohio community. We looked at ourselves as "punk rock."

Now, understand, that in the late 1970s and VERY early 1980s, being "punk rock" was pretty hard. There were no Hot Topics (hell - there were barely malls out in the sticks), there was no internet to connect you with shops in London or New York, no cool "indie" newspapers, and there was little chance of finding out about a tour by the Dead Kennedys or any of that shit because they sure were not coming out to the sticks. And unless you knew anyone in a bigger town or city where they WERE coming, who could clue you into it. There wasn't even MTV to introduce you to new music!

And get, too, that we still considered The Sex Pistols to be the ultimate representation of punk. We did not understand they were just another boy band... (photo from
I cannot speak to every small town, but if you wanted to be "punk rock" in a rural southwest Ohio farming community - and, by that, I mean wearing leather clothes littered with studs, have ear & body piercings, listen to punk music, and having a punk band - here is what you had to do:

  1. Get leather collars, studded belts, lengths of chain, nylon straps, and other bondage & pseudo bondage gear by going to the local pet store to buy (or steal) it, then piece it all together yourself as best you could. Expect strange looks from the staff. One of them may call your mom to ask when you got a new herd of dogs.
  2. On a trip to a city, stop off at one of "those" sex shops in the questionable part of town - or while on the road with someone willing to stop by one of those questionable truck stops (that are obviously just sex shops) - swing on in and look for the serious bondage stuff. Sure, you're gonna get hit on by some greasy dude (or few) who are there cruising. That just adds to your imagined "street cred." For the most part, though, the place is filled with dudes not making eye contact with anyone else as they pick up their porn (a lot of it is weird fetish-y stuff, too - little girls-type shyte). You can pick up a bunch pretty much anonymously, but if someone who knows you sees your car in the lot - they're gonna call your mom to ask what you're doing there. For sure.
  3. Tear out an ad from the back of the Rolling Stone magazine - or even Hit Parader which, for the most part, loved rock-n-roll and the coming hair band trend, but were more than willing to just let anyone advertise in the back of it for merchandise - and mail it in with a money order to some PO box in a big city for punk band logo merchandise, EPs, LPs, and (finally) cassettes to get the music. First time you send it in, you have no idea what you are getting or even if you will like it... but it has to be better than what the local FM radio station is shoving in your earholes.
  4. Even better was to get a bunch mimeographed pages that one of your buddy's older sibling or cool uncle who went off to college sent back, that was effectively gold for punk rock stuff! Music (usually re-recorded audio cassettes of low quality) of bands you had never heard of, shirts with logos of these bands (sure to offend everyone around you), "real" bondage pants from London, Doc Marten boots & shoes, hats, bandanas, and all the accessories... then, if you could, you send well-concealed cash to a post office box in New York City - and then pray that you don't get ripped off before your stuff arrives.
  5. There was a constant stream of kids from larger cities coming into the town. Either their folks had to move there, or they were exchange students from Europe. Either way - they were miserable to find themselves stuck in this little town. If you were lucky, these kids were cool (usually, they were not...), and could put you in the direction of stores or catalogs. That is how I found out about Commander Salamander.
The Commander Salamander Catalog was the gold standard of cool catalogs for me for YEARS! A guy who moved to our town had been to the store in Washington D.C. - got me my original catalog, then I managed to finagle my way onto a mailing list to get a couple more... I could never buy anything from there. My parents wouldn't let me... I recently found a couple of these old catalogs as my parents clean out their house and gave them to my 9-year-old daughter. She thinks they are the greatest thing in the world - because they are. You can & should buy this print from Steve Shook:
If you wanted a piercing - you had to do it yourself. AND, understand, that guys with pierced ears was NOT the norm at the time at all. They were sending you home from school if you had an earring. Churches were preaching against you. People driving by on the street would flat out chuck their beer at you and, if feeling provoked, jump out of their car to pummel you! And your parents - knowing damn good and well you might get accidentally killed by some redneck flipping out over the fact there is a man in front of them wearing an earring, which goes against everything they have ever understood is right and just with the world - aren't going to let you get a piercing, either. That meant that when you left your house, you took an earring (often stolen by one of my friends, who would sneak the cheap ones off the display cards at the drugstore, then slip them in his mouth to get them out) and just punched it through your ear when you went out... then took it off when you got home before anyone saw you.

Was it really that risky? Oh, yeah - because...

There was a risk to wearing these clothes, listening to this music, and doing these things. These farm kids around here are going to kick your ass for being different. And they can! Seriously, years of dealing with farm animals, fixing tractors, and bailing hay have made them all freakishly strong. Their conservative christian churches literally preach against you, personally, so it honestly completely makes it okay in their eyes and they eyes of the town to beat you up. I never thought anyone wanted to really kill me - but I realized that they did not necessarily know their own strength or to the level of violence things could get - and that it might accidentally happen. 

While I did not like getting beat up - I do have to say it taught me how to take a punch, and usually was a surprise to everyone (including me) when I took a pretty hard shot to the chin and was still standing. That means something. After a couple times of not immediately collapsing, the attempted assaults stopped...

and I usually didn't cry until afterward...

But it toughened me up. I can take the insults. I can take the punches. When the time came I finally grew bigger, got stronger, and then after I learned how to really fight - I realized that I honestly (and finally) had a choice about whether to walk away or stand and fight. Choosing to walk away is a much different thing than having to walk away...

Additionally, I got better at taking risks. No one was going to help me - and it meant that much more when someone was willing to help out with some crazy idea that I had - and I got used to doing it myself. I better understood the Do It Yourself (DIY) prerogative that is such a big part of being "punk rock." 

So when I say "punk rock," I am not talking about heading down to the Mall (or, hell, even the Walmart these days) to pick up some stuff to look "edgy." Especially because you'll just look as "edgy" as the next cat who came in and got the same stuff. Too easy now. Too contrived.

When I say "punk rock," I am talking about the DIY ethic. Standing up, against the crowd, and making your own way in the world. Following your vision. Following your own lead. Making it happen yourself and helping others to get their hand up as well. Getting shit done your way.

Here is the old Commander Salamander shot... or is it...? They rebuilt a version of it for the new Wonder Woman movie!! The original store closed in 2010. Sad.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Shyte - and F*ck a Duck - It Has Been WAY Too Long

NOTE - the original date on this draft is sometime in 2016. I got shut out of the blog for a bit (who knows why...) - so now I am trying to make up for it.
This is not the answer.

A few days ago I found out that someone I had planned to work with... someone I had put some faith in... has fucked around and done me wrong!

I hate that.

But the real question is, "what do you do about it?"

Unfortunately, if you are me - the first thing that comes to mind is that you should kill yourself.

Bathroom selfies are the answer.
THUSLY - I take my meds, I go to both a psychiatrist AND a therapist regularly. As of this date in 2018 (2 years after starting this draft), I have been through three therapists and two psychologists... I do not know if it is me wearing them out or not - but it sure feels that way.

My shrink asked me the other week if this continuing desire to kill myself is more of a fetish than anything

Now there was something I had not considered before! Is this constant thing that brings about some kind of sexual gratification. Is it a kink more than anything? Eh...

Since that conversation, I have been analyzing when I am overcome by the desire to off myself - and I really find it is when I get overwhelmed by... whatever. So it appears to be more of an anxiety attack than anything else. Sometimes they are more frequent than others - the busier I stay, then less chance I have to be overwhelmed. For example, I was asked to build a couple of props for a rap group to use on stage at a festival they had hired us to perform at. By the time it all shook out - I had two days to build the props before getting them to the venue where the shows were, PLUS get my own cast of people together and get THEM there, too...

It was wacky, super-stressed, and worrisome over that week - but, yet, I did it all... getting it pretty much all done on schedule with everyone getting where they needed to be, shows happening on schedule, getting everything set up and the props delivered in a timely fashion. Overall - a real success!! And not once that I remember, did I feel the desire to end my existence in a response to anything happening. 

Was it because things went smoothly? HELL. NO.

It was complete insanity the entire time. My stress level was so high - but all I could do was knuckle under and work to get things done. There was no time to think or plan (except with my feet moving and keeping things moving forward) - so there was no time to let anxiety get to me.

Sure - I still get anxious at the grocery store, or sitting trying to plan through things. I cannot remain super busy all the time, but...

Maybe I am on to something.
And now I'm feeling pretty good about myself.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

My Thoughts For Today (part 3 or something...)

Listening to album Prince on Hoopla
Grrr... Arg...
Once again - it has been over a year since I have written in this blog.

Time is something of my enemy... it slips away like the fall leaves from a tree. One good rain and the tree is bare.

BUT I am striving now to really try and keep it together. To spend time doing what I should be doing, which is a lot of writing and getting things under control.

Been controlling my mood and the like through semi-regular counseling sessions and the smallest amount of mood-enhancer possible. It is all I can take without hallucinating.

The good part is no suicide attempts since the last one!

It talking to my shrink - who is pretty cool - the biggest part is just forcing me to parse out my thoughts. My general speech runs in along a line of thought - then loops off and makes its way back to the point that I am working on. It is distracting for some people, I have been told. But, overall, I find it the easiest way to communicate because each of those "loops" is a story that helps explain the point I am trying to get across.

Yesterday in our session, she made me explain some of my overall thought process to her using some analogies so it would be easier for her to understand. This was especially important in the process of rebuilding my company - which we are in the middle of doing. I am going to post a blog about that process here (, if you want to read it.

My weight is still up - mostly because I still really like drinking. A couple new pills I am taking are helping to alleviate my high blood pressure - so no complaints there, EXCEPT for having to take more pills, which I hate.

I have just so much on my mind... especially with Prince dying so young and unexpectedly. The world is a little darker without his light in it. Wrote a blog about it on one of my OTHER blogs, which you can check out here:

So, there you go. A LOT of stuff on my mind right now -- and now I need to make sure I get it all out in the world, where it needs to be.

My doctor told me to cut back to 2 beers a day. It's tough - but done.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My Thoughts for Today

Watching Blindness on SyFy

I'm thinking of keeping the beard

I have habits.

One of my habits is, at the end of the FreakShow Deluxe season, to let my beard grow in. Then, once we get the first show of the year, I cut it all off... in a series, usually.

This year, however, I really do not feel like cutting it off. We have a show this weekend, too -- but I just don't feel like it. There are other shows at the end of the month, too, which I guess, technically, I should cut it for (as we are totally doing our "Addams Family" show)... But I don't want to.

I don't feel like bathing, either. Though I am washing my face & junk every day. Putting on clean underwear & socks. I set up a weekly schedule for the family - and that schedule includes showers (with hair washing & shaving & stuff) on Sunday & Thursdays. Any one can take a shower any other day they want, of course, but everyone is required to completely bathe those two days.

I have yet to do it.

Have been having a continuous ringing in my ears. Went to my doctor - apparently, my blood pressure is through the roof... Possibly my cholesterol is really high, too. Anyway - she thinks the ringing in my ears (tinnitus) may be from my elevated blood pressure. It may also be because I am losing my hearing, too. My left ear no longer catches all the sounds, apparently. During my hearing test yesterday, I nearly missed a couple other sounds too (at low volume registers). This should not come as a complete surprise, I guess - there were a lot of years at very high volumes.

But it is still kind of upsetting.

In an effort to look at the causes for my ongoing depression, especially since it has been going on for so very long, I have been talking to my doctor to work on trying to find any physical causes. They are checking my testosterone, T3 & T4, hormone levels... whatever else... that's what lead to the discovery of my high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. They just sent me a new diet that I am supposed to follow to cut out sodium. I guess carne asada may be off the table for a while.

My weight was also the highest it has EVER been during my visits to the doctor. But she said some of that is probably the antidepressant I am on. So I really need to start addressing that with more physical activity.Once the season gets back underway I hope that will happen. Frankly, this winter weather - with some really significant, uncomfortable cold, makes it a lot harder, too. I just hate bathing and shyte. Is too cold.

Additionally, trying to get my life under control, I started tracking my eating habits - looking for anything that might be a problem. I do not get enough Vitamins A, C, E, Potassium, or Calcium. So supplements from now on. Also better eating. I need more exercise (a lot more).

Along those same lines, I am going to start tracking my time -- though I need to figure out a real way to do that... using an app or something I suppose. I wrote out a schedule for the week - the days we need to shop, do laundry, clean which rooms which days... who has to set the table, cook dinner, do dishes - all that kind of stuff on which days. A rehearsal schedule for the kids - with a goal for them to reach daily for practice time.

I don't know if any of it is going to make any difference. I certainly hope so.

By the way, the movie Blindness is a total bummer.

Things are not always what they appear.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Soon It Will All End

watching: The Lone Ranger on Starz

This old pic is from some of the happiest days of my life. Hoka Hey

It has been over a year since my last post to this blog.

Since then I have started another one here if you want to check it out. I have also done a little writing and stuff otherwise. Done some shows. Toured a bit. Did some other stuff.

I reviewed my previous posts... I see that I have not gotten much further on some of the goals I set for myself last year...

Had another Blue Jacket dream last night. Yet another one where I have been called in to do something with the site (like, restart the show?) -- yet it is SO f-cked up with unbelievable stupidity. I have noticed that they have almost been chronological. As we were being bussed to the site (with a group of investors? other people to work on it?) I was pointing out to the others where some buildings used to stand. Buildings that only stood in my dreams of the site I've been having the past two years. This strange series of dreams started with one where I was brought out to try and "fix" the problems, and seeing they had built all kinds of extra buildings on the property in a vain attempt to enhance the experience. It was failing. I was trying to help them...

Next dream I was back; things were not going well, there. Buildings were now empty. Some decay... The next dream had more abandoned buildings (this time, I don't think I was invited there as I had been before... I was sneaking around the site, avoiding people who were there). There may have been another one - but in this dream, many abandoned buildings were torn down, someone had started on a new stage area - rebuilding part of it... Weird.


I can write about this stuff here - because I feel like I need to get it out of my head and... "out there..." as it were. And no one is reading this - so I think I am okay. If you are - things are being handled. Don't worry about it.

Anyway -- in the last year since I wrote in this blog, I have had (maybe two (2) partial suicide attempts. I have to confess, this is not something new for me. I got checked in to a hospital for evaluation. Put under medication. Counseling. Now under treatment with a psychiatrist.

Part of that treatment is trying to really figure out what is going on with me. I wish I had the answers... But, after some reflection, I realize my first suicide attempt that I can remember was when I was 12. This has been going on for a long time. A very long time.

A deep depression grew - or, rather, continued to grow... It is horrible how much of my childhood I can remember with awful clarity, as if the dark cloud just magnified it in my mind instead of obscuring it.

Over the years there has been a lot of attempts. Constant consideration. Deep, deep, deep depression. Loneliness even in crowds and among loved ones.

The constant thought that everything I do is crap. The focus on my failures instead of successes (because all my successes eventually end in failure). My life feels like a constant "after the movie ends" kind of disaster story... The great, triumphant moments are afterward filled with disaster and despair. I do not feel I can take care of the children. I feel I am not suitable for any relationship. Even days when I feel like I can get some things done, one single mis-step will plunge me into a complete inability to be able to do anything. Ug.

I was going to do a timeline of my depression & suicide attempts... but, honestly, it is too depressing. I need to do some other things.

BUT I AM IN TREATMENT! Checking my diet. Taking my pills. Looking into physical issues as well as psychological that may account for all this. So, hopefully, soon all will be fine.

Or else this blog will just end... and you will know why.

Apparently, after a week of not bathing - even with deodorant & whore baths -
I still start to stink very badly. Sorry!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thoughts On the Entertainment "Business" as Related to Sideshow & Burlesque

Listening to: nothing. Seriously. I hear a heater & the furnace.

I posted what is below to a Facebook group entitled the Sideshow Spectrum, then also to another forum entitled P.O.P. (Pissed Off Performers). This is the total of everything I posted that is worthwhile.

Monkeys riding dogs, from our friends at the Banana Derby

After reading countless complaints, I looked through my notes for the book I am writing, "This Business That We Call Show," and pulled some things out of my notes that is the core idea. The actual book expounds upon these points and MUCH more. Not fun!

This is what happens when you do the work we do...

Post as below:

You want to get serious about it? Good. Create a business plan. Get liability insurance. Put an entertainment lawyer on retainer. Hire an accountant(or at least get the software). Take a business class… or several! Find an apprenticeship. Get in a peer group (this forum does not count).

Then: oh, you’re a dancer? Take dance classes! A singer and/or talker? Take some elocution classes and have a voice teacher. Take some college-level acting classes to know your way around a stage. Get & stay in shape, ready for anything in an instant! Consider theatre classes, playwriting, history — you can’t break the rules until you know them.
SO on & so forth… I hope everyone gets why I am ranting —

I am sick & tired of stoopid (sic) stories from folks who choose to remain clueless about the “business” part of this Entertainment Business. Once you start expecting or demanding payment from people - audiences and promoters - for your services, you are no longer just “an artist” - you are conducting business.

Can’t be bothered with all that? Then just keep your performing as a hobby — there is NOTHING wrong with that. You want to hobo around? Living in the wind & by the skin of your teeth? That’s cool, too. But don’t go comparing yourself or criticizing the folks who ARE doing what it takes to have a business.

I launched this rant because of a couple recent things: including this kid I met at a gig last year reach out to me & ask me to teach him some acts - it turns out he had booked himself on a tour to do sideshow: and didn’t know the acts. ON TOP OF IT: the tour he booked himself on is with a promoter who still owes me money (oh, yes - there is a contract - but I am still trying to collect more than a year later). 

At a recent show - my amazing fire performer in full swing - some kid steps up to the stage, getting in front of me, and when I politely, but firmly, tell her to move, she decides to inform ME that she’s worried about the performer because she doesn’t see a fire safety. I directly informed her she was currently distracting one of the fire safeties (me), and thanks, but we have it covered. a pro show doesn’t draw attention to the safety procedures...

I see some GREAT performers in my travels -- and some of the really great ones are not technically, "pro." There are plenty of reasons NOT to go pro! Being an "amateur" gives a performer a LOT more freedom!

I don’t mind if whatever you are doing in this Entertainment Business isn’t the only job that you have… LOTS of career folks in all kinds of careers work multiple jobs. NOTHING wrong with it, especially in this economy. You’re a hard worker — be proud! Being a “pro” does not mean working full time.

That said, if your other work/job is paying for what you do in this Entertainment Business - that you are not at least “breaking even” with what you put out compared with what you are being paid - then what you are doing is your HOBBY. Nothing wrong with that! Hobbyists do some really amazing things, they can innovate (because they can afford to with both time & $$), and it keeps the pros on their toes…

I am the Human Firework

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Currently listening to WARBOUND by Larry Correia (via Audible), while watching NFL on Fox (San Francisco vs. Seattle)

I make friends everywhere I go! (photo by Stoo)

So I made my list of things to do earlier, and am kind of doing some of it... thought I would do an update:

  • I messed up my grad school application process -- didn't receive everything in time for me to make the deadline of January 16. SO - I am pushing back my plan to enter the PhD program I want. At least I'll be getting everything together NOW for the deadline next year. Might even be able to apply for a fellowship and such, too. Good times...
  • I found this blog full of recipes and such I hope will help me out with time management:
    • Recently, we have had a change-around at the house as Alice took a regular job, so I am busy playing Mr. Mom. I don't mind at all - in fact, I am pretty darn good at it. I spent 30 years taking care of myself, so I am pretty adept at doing a lot of things. 
      • Sure, fixing a car is still tough for me (mostly, because I break everything I touch; constantly breaking bolts from over tightening, shredding hoses I try to pull off... you get the idea), but I can cook, clean, dishes, laundry, shopping, and organize -- all that shyte. And not the "frat boy" version, either.
    • I got a lot of that from my dad - that's how I was raised when my mum had a day job. My dad still ran his business from the house (just like I do), and since he was home he took care of things around the house - which included my sister & I. So, really, this is pretty normal as far as I am concerned.
      • What I do NOT have, unfortunately, is my dad's artistry... or cooking skills. I mean - he really did some amazing stuff. I really have to work really hard to even start at pretending to have his mastery.
    • SO, anyway, this website has these "freezer to slow cooker" recipes that I have decided to experiment with. It means doing all the prep work for a week of dinners, then keeping them in the freezer until it's time to actually cook them (pulling them out of the freezer the night before, putting them in the crock pot that morning).
    • DOWNSIDE: Alice's job starts in the afternoon. So I get up early, get the kids off to school. Work on my stuff quietly (because Alice is still sleeping) - so emails, writing, that kind of thing - until it is time to get Alice up and off to work. Unfortunately, I have less than an hour before kid #1 gets home... and kid #2 arrives 90 minutes later. When each kid gets home they get a snack, do their homework, then change out of their uniform and get on whatever I can put them on until dinnertime. Then it's dinner, relax & hang out time with them, then off to bed. Once I get them put down I have just less than 2 hours (working quietly, because of the kids) before Alice gets home. Get her dinner and such, spending some time together before bedtime. Is hard to get MY stuff done.
      • Once the kids start up with swim team/class again, it's going to scupper my whole schedule.
    • ANYWAY, I need to carve out some time in the day to get everything else done. I figure quickening cooking times (without going to all tv dinners or take out) is the way to go.
      • I already created a spreadsheet checklist of job responsibilities for the month;
      • I have been inventorying stuff at the house --- kids kept saying they needed toothpaste, so I was like, "fine - I will get you toothpaste!" Only to find, of course, THREE UNOPENED TUBES OF TOOTHPASTE hidden away. I came across a couple other examples like this (seriously, who needs 4 opened bottles of baby powder?), so I am trying to figure out what we really need, and what we do not.
So there you are... scheduling. Lots of scheduling.